Sandwich wall construction comprising 75mm brick thickness inside 5mm of ceramic paper, housed in an extra-thick, mirror-finished stainless steel case. Vent plugs in sides and lid. Separate reversible base. Stand with castor wheels. Lid operated safety switch and element power-on lights fitted into switchbox for good diagnostics. Lifting handles fitted. Top quality thermocouple (priced separately) and Kanthal elements fitted. A separate wall mounting control box houses a Fire master 5 (or alternatives, see Catalogue page 60)temperature controller (priced separately); a second wall box houses energy regulators controlling separate zones of the kiln; power-on light, zone energy regulator cycling lights; contactor(s) and accessory circuit fuse(s). Both wall boxes are ready wired to the kiln and only require mounting to a wall.
- Studio Equipment
- Pottery Wheels
- Wheel Accessories
- Kilns
- Potclays Front Loading Kiln
- Potclays GK125 Kiln – 354 liters 12.5ft3
- Potclays GK100 Kiln – 290 liters 10.2ft3
- Potclays GK63 Kiln – 178 liters 6.3ft3
- Potclays EP95 Kiln – 270 liters 9.5ft3
- Potclays EP73 Kiln – 206 liters 7.3ft3
- Potclays EP56 Kiln – 160 liters 5.6ft3
- Potclays EP45 Kiln – 127 liters 4.5ft3
- Potclays EP38 Kiln – 107 liters 3.8ft3
- Nidec Shimpo Top Loading Kiln
- Kiln Controllers
- Kiln Accessories
- Potclays Front Loading Kiln
- Banding Wheels
- Plaster Molds
- Slab Roller / Extruder
- Cutting Mat
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